How often have you been at a meeting and wished it would end so you could go and get some real work done?  Many agencies and people are not very good at meetings or dialogue.  We know that collaboration is essential, but true collaboration is difficult to achieve. Good communication skills are central to any leadership project, change management strategy, or team endeavor.

Transforming Communication trains and coaches leaders on how to interact more effectively with teams and coaches team members on how to increase team productivity. This dialogue coaching leads to a dramatic improvement in performance and well-being at both the individual and organizational level.

Transforming Communication uses a system called “structural dynamics“, developed by renowned systems psychologist and family therapist David Kantor, in our coaching process.[1] Using this innovative system leads to healthier team dynamics and better team outcomes by developing the art and skills of good face-to-face communication.

A certified coach takes leaders and their teams through a process of engaging with the concepts of structural dynamics, assessing baseline dialogue skills using the Behavioral Propensity Profile (BPP) assessment, and guided practice that is guaranteed to improve the level of dialogue and collaboration on the team.

Listen to Dr. Tom O’Connor speak about dialogue and how it can transform communication on KMUZ’s Willamette Wake Up podcast.

[1] David Kantor (2011), Reading the Room; Group Dynamics for Coaches and Leaders, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco