Rami Nsour holds a B.A. in Human Development and an M.A. in Educational Psychology. He has diverse experience teaching in an array of settings and tailoring curriculum and textbooks to students of various backgrounds and goals.
Rami co-founded Tayba Foundation, which is a non profit organization dedicated to serving individuals and families impacted by incarceration. Rami believes in the power of human change through holistic education, guidance, and support. Tayba has reached over 8,600 incarcerated men and women in over 500 prisons across 42 states.
Rami recently initiated a “train the trainer” program through Tayba to offer access to evidence-based programs that were not accessible to many prisoners including WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), Motivational Interviewing, SMART Recovery, and other evidence based programs that facilitate deep introspection and change.
He has served as a consultant with a mental health clinic assisting in building community relationships to remove stigmas surrounding mental health and removing barriers to treatment. Rami has been working on various non-profit projects since 1998 including being lead project manager for a humanitarian relief project in West Africa that generated over $2 million in private donations.
He lives in the S.F. Bay Area with his wife and three children and in his free time enjoys museums, hiking, gardening and spending time at the beach.