Immunity to Change® Seminars and Coaching
According to Daniel Goleman, the famous author of Emotional Intelligence, the Immunity to Change [1} process contains “…brilliant insights into the mysteries of the change process at the heart of personal and organizational success…”
Every one of us has had the desire to change something about ourselves, our clients, or our agencies and failed to realize that desire. This failure to achieve the changes we want and that are good for us is very common, but it can be overcome.
The Immunity to Change®(ITC) coaching process developed by Harvard School of Education researchers Bob Kegan and Lisa Lahey is a profound method for helping you make the changes you want but cannot quite make for some reason. The process has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, the Oprah Winfrey Magazine, Conscious Business, and the New York Times.
Our immune system is very good at keeping things that are bad for us out of our system, but occasionally it makes a mistake and keeps things that are good for us out. The ITC premise is that your current immune system sees the change you want as a bad thing and therefore prevents it from happening. However, you can develop a new immune system that will see this same change as a good thing and therefore welcome it. ITC coaching will give you a new way of thinking about change and unleash tremendous development in you as a person and as a leader.
Tom O’Connor, Ph.D., and Peter Tran who trained with Bob Kegan and Lisa Lahey, will guide you through this gentle and contemplative way of approaching the “one big thing” you would like to change. The approach is very different from a New Year’s resolution or a strategic plan method where you have to will or force yourself to change. Once you complete the process, you will approach yourself, your clients, and your agency in a radically different, less stressed, and more effective manner. Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline and coauthor of The Necessary Revolution says, “Immunity to Change is a wonderfully original approach to a familiar problem: why many crucial change efforts fail.”
The process can also be used by a team to overcome a collective Immunity to Change. What is the “one big thing” your team would like to but cannot accomplish despite multiple efforts at doing so?
[1] Kegan, R., & Laskow Lahey, L. (2009). Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and your Organization. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press.